In most cases you do not need to apply for free home to school transport. Your eligibility will be checked by Oxfordshire County Council when you are offered a school place.
In the offer letter, you will be told if your child qualifies for free travel and advise you of any next steps.
In some cases, you will need to contact Oxfordshire County Council to ask if your child will qualify. You may have:
- applied to a school directly
- moved to a new home address.
Or if there has been a change in your circumstance, and you believe your child is eligible.
Travelling to school | Oxfordshire County Council
Once you have received confirmation of your child's free home to school transport, you will receive details of the bus routes and timetable. Your child will receive a bus pass which must be shown when boarding the bus. Oxforshire County Council operate a 'No Pass, No Travel' policy. For lost or damaged passes, please contact the Council.
Faringdon Community College has high expectations of the behaviour of its students which extends to outside of school and in the local community, including whilst travelling on buses. Please see our Behaviour Policy for more information.
Spare Seat Scheme
For students, including Sixth Form, who are not eligible for free school transport, Oxfordsire County Council offer a paid transport place called spare seats scheme transport. For information on how to apply, please visit Paid home to school travel assistance | Oxfordshire County Council.
Late Buses
For the academic year to July 2024 Faringdon Community College has arranged for late buses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Any students wishing to stay after school for clubs, additional study, revision sessions or rehearsals are welcome to travel on the late buses free of charge. The buses leave at 4.30pm.