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Physical Education

The P.E. department aim to:

  • Develop fundamental movements in students, enabling them to perform a range of movements and actions with confidence. This allows young people to then access a wide range of sporting activities.
  • Develop life skills and leadership skills.
  • Gain knowledge and the practical application of a range of key skills and tactics in a broad variety of sporting activities.
  • Develop knowledge of fitness and healthy lifestyles.  To practically experience a variety of fitness training methods.
Key Stage 3

Aims: For students to have fun in lessons, gaining an interest and developing skills in individual sports as well as being physically active for sustained periods of time.

Within every lesson, teachers encourage the understanding and display of a variety of attributes which will help the students in all subjects and daily life. These include communication, empathy, independence, creativity.

One in four of the student’s lessons will be a “fitness” lesson. Within these, students experience and learn about a wide variety of fitness types and training methods.

GCSE/BTEC preparation:

Fitness lessons particularly link with GCSE/BTEC courses. Staff ensure that language is used relating to the specifications, giving the students a head start. Sports are also repeated in years 7 – 9 ensuring that students have several “strong” sports that they can be assessed in.

Key Stage 4

Students are generally grouped according to their confidence and competitiveness. Groups can be single sex or mixed gender.  Students are given a greater degree of choice as to their activity.  Lessons are designed to be fun, active and again develop key life skills such as independence and communication that were introduced in KS3.

Students assess themselves on these life skills every term and design a SMART target for the new activity.


We have recently re-arranged the order of topics taught in order to better link with the written analysis assessment,(10%).  This analysis document is now “chunked” into three sections. This has enabled completion by Christmas of year 11, raising the standard and easing pressure at the end of the course.

Formative assessment takes place on a regular basis, with students receiving feedback following most lessons and acting on this at the start of the following lesson.

Students are tested approximately half termly, following the completion of each unit.

From the beginning of the course, students create their own revision materials.