Careers and Work Experience
Faringdon Community College is committed to using a variety of learning experiences to help students manage the key decision points in their lives. Students receive careers and progression guidance throughout their post 16 and post 18 pathways, which is sound preparation for making informed choices about the next learning or employment stage. That is why having support, information and advice about college courses, university and employment is so important in helping our students make appropriate and well-informed choices about their future at each stage of their school journey.
FCC students are encouraged to use the 'Find Your Future' online careers platform to find information and inspiration for their future.
Via the platform, students can:
- Explore the different employment sectors available in Oxfordshire
- Connect with local and national employers
- Research post 16/18 options including colleges, apprenticeships, T Levels and universities
- Discover tips on the skills employers are looking for, CV writing and how to succeed at interviews
Annual Careers Fair 
An annual careers fair is organised for students to meet both education providers and employers in order to discuss opportunities for their future.
Careers Information
Year 9 students will receive support and advice in choosing their GCSE options.
BBC Bite Size - Everything you need to know about choosing your GCSE subjects
Year 10 students will have the opportunity to take part in taster days for both sixth form and for a local further education college. They can also participate in work experience for one week during the summer term.
Cogges Museum
Williams F1
Archway Vets
Year 11 students will receive individual guidance in making their post-16 decisions on study and employment. They will also be able to take part in visits to local further education colleges and apprenticeship workshops.
What's next after Year 11 - booklet for students and parents/carers - post 16 choices
Year 12 students take part in a post-18 workshop where they explore the world of work including CV writing, interview practice and job-seeking skills.
Year 13 tutors provide individual support in writing personal statements for university and those that decide to enter employment continue to take part in activities to help them decide what career is right for them.
Moving on from Sixth Form - booklet for students and parents/carers - post 18 choices
Impact of the School Careers Programme
The school measures and assesses the impact of the school careers programme through regular evaluations from students and education/employment providers and by tracking the students both post 16 and post 18 to confirm destinations and to offer further support if needed.
The percentage of students staying in education or employment after KS4 (2023 cohort) is 100%.
We are proud to hold the Investors in Careers Award in recognition of the high standard of careers education offered to our students and the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Award for the support offered to young people seeking an apprenticeship.
If any local employers would like to discuss offering work experience placements or an apprenticeship, please do get in touch to discuss how we can work together.
The FCC careers adviser is happy to offer advice face to face, by phone or email to students and/or their parents or carers.
Careers Adviser - Tina Belcher
01367 240375
Careers Lead -Danielle Masters
Part-Time Work
For information regarding part time work for children, please read the advice here.
Useful links
- Kudos (password: tasklist72) Designed to help match ideas, strengths and interests with different careers through a fun quiz and videos and blogs.
- Eclips (password: SN77LB). With accurate information on over 1400 jobs, including live labour market information and a wealth of impartial information on education and employment choices.
- UCAS connects students to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships and internships.
- Apprenticeships find out what to do to become an apprentice and how to find out what employers can offer.
- Local Market Information a guide for young people in Oxfordshire
- Careers Policy 2024
Next review date - December 2024